Hard to imagine & acknowledgements.

 Posted by VQT. 

VQT and LP at airport on April 20th.  Looking fresh and excited.  Oh, what we could tell you now…

Today our Danish friend told LP, “you can show people photos and tell them about the Camino but unless they’ve been here they can not understand the journey”.   

Tomorrow we walk into Santiago de Compostela so I wanted to post this before people move on with their own lives and quit reading our blog.  There will be posts tomorrow and much celebration so I do hope you continue to read about our Camino for a few more days.  

I am a reader of books.  I always look at the author’s acknowledgment page at the end of the book.  I believe that most endeavors are achieved with help, support and encouragement from others.  

So here’s my Camino acknowledgment:

The morning walking crew.  DS, PN, CZ (alum) and of course LP.  Almost without fail we walk every morning and have for years.  

The River Gang.  MAK, PH, LS, DM, RS and our loyal, happy and sometimes  obedient dogs.  As often as possible I meet them at one of the Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area trails.  

TB & D.  For loving and caring for Bingo - my 16 year old dog - for 6 weeks.  

PF.  For taking care of my house and plants. 

DOS.  For being available if any emergency occurs.   Willing to step in and make decisions and act on my behalf.  And for scheduling an appointment with a podiatrist for me - my toe and I thank you.  

PP.  For providing detailed instructions on how to take the train from Charles de Gaulle airport & switch trains at Paris metro station to navigate to TGV train.  For booking our train tickets from Santiago to Madrid. 

JK.  For looking at a photo of my gruesome right toe and asking her husband KK (who’s board certified in Critical Care) to advise.  JK did state, “not sure what he knows about toes but we have to work with what we have”!  

TRW.  For creating a spreadsheet of our expenses because at the end of each day  we didn’t have the brain power to add up numbers in order to eventually settle up with each other.  

My cardiologist (SC) and heart surgeon (RG).  Approximately 16 years ago I developed a heart murmur and found out I had a congenital heart defect.  September 2017 I had open heart surgery to replace my aortic valve.  Without the skills of these doctors and modern medicine I would not be alive to walk The Camino.  Can’t imagine there’s a better reason to walk a 500 mile pilgrimage than

gratitude for my extended life.  

All my family and friends that read the blog and posted comments, sent text and email messages of support.  

And last but not least.  My Camino companion and friend LP.  I couldn’t have done it without you.  Wow!   We walked the Camino!  LP is the person everyone needs with them on the Camino - never stopping always moving forward.  Cheers my friend! 

Buen Camino. Buen Camino.  Buen Camino.  


  1. Bravo! Almost there. One last push!

    1. Yes… Bravo, congrats… Wonderful accomplishment.. One last push...🙏💚 Best, ROBBIE

  2. I have certainly enjoyed following your incredible Journey of a lifetime. I am so proud of your accomplishment. Thank you for sharing and making it descriptive. Sending love and hugs, ROBBIE💚🙏💚

  3. What a great accomplishment, almost there. Evelyn R.

  4. You both are an inspiration to those of us cheering from home. Thank you for including us on your journey. May your arrival in Santiago de Compostelo and completing The Camino tomorrow be everything you wished for. 💜

  5. I’m so happy for you both! Pamela

  6. Just phenomenal! Two wonderful and strong women with great supporters. You are both wonderful friends and great inspirations to others.


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